Awards & Recognition
Good Practice DentistBDA Good Practice
Every dental practice wants to do the best for their patients, that is why we are members of the British Dental Association’s Good Practice Scheme.

We have been members continuously for over 10 years and have been honoured with the prestigious 10 year member accreditation. We are regularly inspected and audited by outside inspectors so you can be assured we are doing the best for you.
The Good Practice Commitment
- We aim to provide dental care of a consistently good quality for all patient
- We only provide care that meets your needs and wishes
- We aim to make your treatment as comfortable and convenient as possible
- We look after your general health and safety while receiving dental care
- We follow the British Dental Association’s guidelines on infection control
- We check for mouth cancer and tell you what we find
- We take part in continuing professional development to keep our skills and knowledge up-to-date
- We train all staff in practice-wide work systems and review training plans once a year
- We welcome feedback and deal promptly with any complaints
- Every member of the practice is aware of the need to work safely under General Dental Council guidelines
You can find out more about our BDA Good Practice listing on the BDA find a dentist page.