Book Appointments Online
Making a dental appointment with PMA Dental Care is simple
Booking Private and Denplan Appointments Online
You can now register at the practice and book your appointment online 24 hours a day, 365 days year!
Our opening hours are Monday to Thursday 8.00am to 7.00pm and Friday 8.00am to 4.00pm. With so many of us having a busy life you may not be able to telephone the practice during these times, but now you can book your appointment online 24 hours a day.
With the Appointmentor online system integrated into our own computer systems this allows you to book an appointment in real-time. You can make, cancel or reschedule appointments 24/7 outside normal working hours giving you greater choice and flexibility.
If you are already a Private or Denplan patient at the practice and you want to book in for a check-up you can book online now:
If you are not a patient at the practice yet you can register and book a new patient consultation appointment online now:
If you would like to book an NHS dental appointment please telephone the practice on 01474 365671.
Interest Free Credit
0% Finance: A payment plan that allows you to spread the cost of your Invisalign clear braces.
Online Booking
New Private patients and existing Private and Denplan patients can now book appointments securely online 24/7.