Your Tooth Enamel Is Super Cool Stuff

Your Tooth Enamel Is Super Cool Stuff

WHAT IS AS BRITTLE AS GLASS and at the same time, the hardest substance in your body? Tough Stuff Your tooth enamel! Each time you bite down it handles the equivalent of 72 kilos of pressure, time after time after time. Think about how often you bite down during your...
Your Smile May Be Your Greatest Job-Hunting Asset

Your Smile May Be Your Greatest Job-Hunting Asset

YES, REAL RELATIONSHIPS DEVELOP over time. We all know that. But there are certain situations where an incredible first impression goes a long, long way. Your Smile One of those times is when you’re advancing your career and interviewing for jobs. 50% Of...
Protect Your Smile From Acid Reflux Disease

Protect Your Smile From Acid Reflux Disease

LOOKING INSIDE SOMEONE’S MOUTH, members of a dental team can learn a lot! We can get clues about your diet, how sound you sleep, and perhaps whether or not you struggle with acid reflux. Acid Reflux Disease Is Very Common Today Acid reflux disease is quite common in...
Medications Can Contribute To Dry Mouth Syndrome

Medications Can Contribute To Dry Mouth Syndrome

MEDICATIONS OFTEN HAVE frustrating side effects such as nausea or headaches. But did you know that dry mouth is also a common side effect of prescription drugs? Saliva Helps Keep Your Mouth Healthy There are over 400 medications that can affect your salivary glands....

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