by PMA Dental Care | Oct 7, 2016 | Cases
ACCIDENTS ALWAYS SEEM to happen when we least expect them. When those accidents involve tooth damage, it’s important to know what steps to take. Being prepared before a dental emergency occurs can save a damaged or knocked out tooth, prevent infection and decrease the...
by PMA Dental Care | Jul 1, 2016 | Cases
IF YOU HAVE EXPERIENCED TOOTH LOSS, you are not alone. In fact, more than 2.7 million people are missing all of their teeth in the UK, while more than 18 million are missing at least one tooth. Here’s the good news: there are solutions for you. Dental Implants Work...
by PMA Dental Care | Apr 22, 2016 | Cases
WHILE MOST PEOPLE HAVE thirty-two permanent teeth that develop (including the wisdom teeth) some people’s permanent teeth never grow in at all. These are called congenitally missing teeth—teeth missing from birth—and it’s actually more common than you think! So, what...
by PMA Dental Care | Feb 5, 2016 | Education
MANY OF US HAVE HAD at least one cavity in our lives, and if we don’t keep up on our oral hygiene, it’s likely that we’ll get a couple more as time goes by. While cavities may be inconvenient, it’s imperative that we get them treated immediately. Early treatment of...
by PMA Dental Care | Nov 27, 2015 | Notes
SOMEONE CAN GO THEIR WHOLE LIFE without having a cavity, and seemingly out of nowhere find themselves at the dentist for a filling or two. How does this happen? Here are some reasons your dental status might be in sudden flux: Changes In Your Daily Routine The stress...