HOW MUCH DO YOU THINK YOU INFLUENCE YOUR CHILDREN?If you think the answer is “Not much,” think again.

Parents can have an enormous influence on their children’s health and well-being. A recent study shows that particularly during the first three years of life and even in nursery, parents are still the main influence of children’s oral health. Tooth brushing habits, dietary habits, and food choices of parents are directly associated with those of their children.

The Lesson?

Teaching your children about brushing and what to eat (and also setting a good example) will help your child develop healthy habits that will stick with them throughout their life.

Regular Dental Check Ups

Also important are regular dental check ups. Regular visits will let your dentist catch early signs of common oral health disease and provide treatment if necessary. Gum disease and tooth decay, if caught early can be treated quickly and simply, before they have a chance to become more serious.

So how long has it been since you or your child saw an NHS dentist for a check up? If it’s been more than six months, call today and make an appointment. During your and your child’s visit, your dentist and Natasha our Oral Health Educator can talk to you both about brushing, the right toothpaste to use and can offer helpful advice you both can use every day!

Remember, your oral health habits at home makes a real difference. Help your child develop good brushing habits by showing them yourself.

Children are entitled to FREE NHS dental care

Advice or Questions?

If you have any questions or comments for your dentist at PMA Dental Care Gravesend then please enter it in the comments section below. You can also send a private question or comment to us on our Facebook page.

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